After adequate anesthesia was obtained the patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position. The right chest was prepped with chlorhexidine and draped in the normal fashion. An incision was made over approximately the seventh intercostal interspace in the anterior axillary line. The subcu tissue was dissected down. Dissection was carried over the top of the rib. The right lung was allowed to desufflate and then the pleural space entered. Under direct vision with the thorascope, two additional thoracoscopic ports superior and posterior to this were placed under direct vision. The lung was mildly inflamed in appearance. A portionof the lower lobe was grasped and elevated.With successful firings f an Echelon stapler, a biopsy was taken. The specimen was removed. A portion was sent for culture and the remainder sent for final pathology. Care was taken to make sure were were a good 2 cm into the parenchym of the lung. Hemostas was assurred. The remainder of the thoracoscopic exploratin was unremarkable. Chest tube was placed through one of the thoracorts. Lung was allowed to desufflate and the thoracoports were removed.
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Looking at 32650 & 32095 - am I anywhere close???