Wiki Vascular Lab Form Help


Jackson, TN
Best answers
Hello everyone,

I hope I can explain this well, but I am looking for a form of some kind that our physicians can use to show their vascular findings. We own our own vascular lab and perform LEA's. I'm looking for a form that has a little chart on it that the phy can draw/write their findings per the films reviewed. It would be nice to have other information on it as well such as access site and devices used.
Does anyone currently use a form like this and is willing to share?
I will check with our doc office to see if they have one. We also bill for in office LE angios.

Are you billing getting paid for supplies?


Thanks Michelle! Right now we aren't billing for any supplies. We have had the hardest time finding any billing clarification since we are not an IDTF and our pos is 11. If you have any info on that I would appreciate that as well.
I will email the both of you privately my work email. Do you both work together?

We can compare notes.
