Wiki Vascular dementia coding


Lake in the Hills, IL
Best answers
vascular dementia code has a line underneath that states 'code additional code for cerebral atherosclerosis 437.0'. At 290, there is a direction that says 'code first the neurological condition'. Should there be three codes total for vascular dementia? Also, according to etiology-manifestation rule doesn't atheroslcerosis code come first since it was the causal condition for dementia?
Vascular dementia

I would need to see the progress note in order to answer this, although if you read under Vascular Dementia 290.4 it states "excludes suspected cases with no clear evidence of arteriosclerosis (290.9). If there isn't documentation in the note of arteriosclerosis I would code it as 290.9, Unspecified senile psychotic condition.

Hope this helps......

Also under the Dementias 290 there is an "excludes" as well
thanks! I read the same on another website also!
so if we use 290.9 for suspected, we will still need to use the neurological condition as it is instructed at 290, right?