Pls help with catherization code: Thanks in advance.........
Details of procedure:
Following informed consent, the patient was properly identified and placed supine on the procedure table. Time out was called to confirm the proper patient, procedure, allergies and perioperative antibiotics. The groins were then prepped and draped sterilely. Lidocaine was used to anesthetize the skin. Ultrasound was utilized to identify the vessels and a needle inserted under direct ultrasound guidance. A micropuncture sheath was then placed and exchanged for a 4 French sheath using Seldinger technique. A guidewire was then advanced and a flush catheter positioned in the abdominal aorta. An aortogram was then performed. The catheter was withdrawn to the aortic bifurcation and additional imaging performed. Using the support of the guidewire we were able to position our catheter in the right common femoral artery and a lower extremity runoff was performed. Local findings were noted. A 6 French sheath was placed over the bifurcation. A Glidewire catheter were advanced to the bony popliteal artery where additional angiograms were performed. I attempted to cross the occlusion however it was too calcified and chronic to cross. The guidewire was then readvanced and the catheter removed. . The sheath was then removed and manual pressure utilized for hemostasis upon completion.
Details of procedure:
Following informed consent, the patient was properly identified and placed supine on the procedure table. Time out was called to confirm the proper patient, procedure, allergies and perioperative antibiotics. The groins were then prepped and draped sterilely. Lidocaine was used to anesthetize the skin. Ultrasound was utilized to identify the vessels and a needle inserted under direct ultrasound guidance. A micropuncture sheath was then placed and exchanged for a 4 French sheath using Seldinger technique. A guidewire was then advanced and a flush catheter positioned in the abdominal aorta. An aortogram was then performed. The catheter was withdrawn to the aortic bifurcation and additional imaging performed. Using the support of the guidewire we were able to position our catheter in the right common femoral artery and a lower extremity runoff was performed. Local findings were noted. A 6 French sheath was placed over the bifurcation. A Glidewire catheter were advanced to the bony popliteal artery where additional angiograms were performed. I attempted to cross the occlusion however it was too calcified and chronic to cross. The guidewire was then readvanced and the catheter removed. . The sheath was then removed and manual pressure utilized for hemostasis upon completion.