Wiki Vaginal Cyst


Aloha, Oregon
Best answers
What CPT would I use in the case of a vaginal cyst, under local, was expressed. No incision/excision. Basically, squeezed like a pimple, fluid came out & patient got immediate relief. Nothing sent to path. I'm at a loss with this one.
Please any Guru's out there, point me in the right direction.:)
What CPT would I use in the case of a vaginal cyst, under local, was expressed. No incision/excision. Basically, squeezed like a pimple, fluid came out & patient got immediate relief. Nothing sent to path. I'm at a loss with this one.
Please any Guru's out there, point me in the right direction.:)
Included in the EM. No tools were used.
I would agree with @CandiceMichelle as included in the E&M.
I definitely do not agree with 56405. 1) No incision 2) Vaginal, not vulva or perineal 3) Described as cyst, not abscess.