Wiki Vad


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Does anyone out there bill for managing a VAD in a critical care setting with code 93750?
We have discussed using this code for patients that are followed in the outpatient setting- pending the NPP provides sufficient documentation. Typically I only bill for subsequent days while the patient is still admitted from the intial VAD placement.
The VAD interrogation (93750) can be billed in addition to an E/M code including the critical care codes. It can also be billed more than once a day.

VAD interrogation is checking to make sure the machine is functioning properly (rather than an exam of the actual patient) and that is why you can bill for both.

I've been on VAD overload lately, ask me anything. LOL.

Lisi, CPC
and remember, implant of a VAD has no global period so all follow-up visits are billable. As of Jan 2012, removal of a VAD will also have no global days.

Lisi, CPC