Wiki V7281,v7283

pre op

My experience when billing for pre op is insurance will deny if the pre op is listed first, especially Medicare. Why are they having the pre op? knee surgery (knee pain), back surgery (back pain), etc. I have always listed the pre op last and never had a problem getting the claim paid.
guidelines specify the reason for the visit must go first, and pre op is the reason for the visit, I have no problem getting it paid even with Medicare.
guidelines specify the reason for the visit must go first, and pre op is the reason for the visit, I have no problem getting it paid even with Medicare.

I've researched this issue a few years ago and Debra is right, pre-op ex followed by reason for surgery.

I also haven't had an issue with getting reimbursed from Medicare.
per icd 9 guidelines if the purpose of the exam is a pre-op exam the v72.8 must be listed first.