Wiki V72.83


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Would you consider V72.83 to be a first listed dx for patients coming in for a pre op H&P to a surgeon prior to surgery by same surgeon.? and therefor not billable. How can you bill for a pre op when you are doing the surgery yourself? and since the manin reason the pt is there is for pre op exam and there have been no changes AND the surgery was scheduled previously. I just see this as a potential problem should we be audited. You can not put down dx for a surgery ALREADY scheduled and second dx as the preop exam can you??????
You are correct with the Dx code and that you cannot bill for a preop visit by the surgeon. You billing system should have a dummy code that would be used for tracking purposes only and no claim generated.

Unless there was a totally separate problem evaluated and the preop work was performed would an E&M be considered. Say the patient is scheduled for a preop visit for surgery on their knee, but they complain about shoulder pain. An E&M may be billable for the shoulder problem. The V72.83 would be a second listed Dx code and the shoulder Dx would be first.

Hope that helps.
so here is my reasoning on this.............if they are there for pre op and there are no new problems, the v72.83 should be the First LISTED DX and there for not billable. It would be inproper coding to list dx for surgery first then the v code second , correct?