Wiki V72.31 and G0101


Mesa, AZ
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A question came up in our office the other day. Patient came in for a preventive visit, coded w/v72.31 also an E&M. I was told it was ok to bill for the preventive w/v72.31, E&M and the G0101 due to pt having high risk for malignancy. Am trying to get clarification. Seems to me it's double dipping due to the fact the v72.31 is also screening and they are in for the annual. Any thoughts? Thanks
Some insurance accepts for the Preventive visit codes (ie) 99381-99395. But for a few insurance they want the HCPCS Code as G0101- Cervical or Vaginal Cancer Screening; Pelvic and Clinic Breast Examination, Q0091 Screening Papanicolaou Smear; obtaining, preparing and conveyance of cervical or vaginal smear to laboratory instead of (99381-99395) and E&M with 25 modifier
We've gotten denied by insurance when we do a preventive with the G0101; of course we only do the G0101 with MCR and they don't pay for preventive visits anyway.
This insurance accepts Preventive services which is why I think the G0101 should not be sent. Thank you for your answers.