Wiki V70.0 issue


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I work for a laboratory and many orders come in with V70.0. The office manager insists as a lab can not bill V70.0, it is for a routine general medical exam at a healthcare facility. She wants to use V72.62. I informed her that I would need to contact each doctor for an amendment to the lab orders stating to use this code. Is that the proper route to take? Many patients are upset because their labs are getting denied with V70.0.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated
As a certified coder, you should not need to notify each provider if you make a code change based on an incorrect code. V72.62 is the appropriate code for lab work done at the time of a preventive physicial. We make this change all the time without contacting the provider.
Thank you! I was informed to notify the doctor before making any changes to the diagnosis per the compliance officer.
That maybe written in your compliance plan then. I work for an entity that we have to query the doctor each before we change. I am certified, but that is the way they have it written in their policy. Of note, we are an education facility so that maybe their thinking......

Tammy Frazier, CPC, CPCO, CPMA, CEMC