Wiki V58.83


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Does blood have to be drawn to use V58.83 or can we use this code just to monitor a patient's reaction to anxiety or ADHD meds?
V58.83 another question

I have had another coder tell me that to bill V58.83, there must be a blood draw. We are wanting to use this code for MCD patients that are only being seen for a follow-up on their mental health meds along with the mental health dx. Can you please elaborate further?

Thanks so much!
I have had another coder tell me that to bill V58.83, there must be a blood draw. We are wanting to use this code for MCD patients that are only being seen for a follow-up on their mental health meds along with the mental health dx. Can you please elaborate further?

Thanks so much!
No there is absolutely no such restriction for the use of that code. You do have to use A code from v58.6- must be secondary to indicate the drug. Drug monitoring can even be a provider encounter to discuss the patients dog and adherence to the plan

Thanks for putting it that way... I needed that laugh today!!!!
Have a GREAT week Debra!