Wiki V58.83 - Hello! I code for an outpatient lab.


Walnutport, PA
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Hello! I code for an outpatient lab. We are back and forth with the code V58.83-Encounter For Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Can this code stand alone or be used as a primary dx? The book states 'Use Additional code for any associated long term drug use (V58.61-V58.69)'. It does not state that and additional code MUST be used. Any input is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
It does not state use if applicable, so I have alwYs interpreted this as a secondary code is needed to explain whic drug is being monitored. Yes V58.83 can be first listed. I have used it primary for numerous claims and each one has been paid.
I concur with the above. I'm working in home health, and we can't use V58.83 as a primary, but for an outpatient it's legit as a primary diagnosis.
This topic has always interested me, because we have one carrier in Illinois that refuses to accept this as a primary diagnosis and will reject all claims with this code in primary position. Do not have problems with the other carriers,