Wiki V58.62


springfield, MO
Best answers
Some of my doctors have recently started using V58.62 (long term current use of antibiotic) every time they write a RX for antibiotic. Is this appropriate?
long term

We use it only when a patient is on prophylactic antibiotics for recurrent infections, or in cases where the antibiotic is going to be used for several months such as antituberculars. We do not use it for standard 10 day courses.
coding clinic

If you have access to Coding Clinic, my icd 9 book refers you to 1998, q4, P 59-60. Someday I hope to work for a place that will actually subscribe to the online service.
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If you have access to Coding Clinic, my icd 9 book refers you to 1998, q4, P 59-60. Someday I hope to work for a place that will actually subscribe to the online service.

First of all, WOW there's an online Coding Clinic service??? Only thing I've found is 10 yrs of Coding Clinic on CD-ROM for $1700!

Secondly; the V58.6x category is for "Long-term (current) prophylactic drug use", the optimum word here is "prophylactic", e.g.: Tetracycline for acne

Hope this helps!:)