Wiki V57.1, v54.81, v43.64

Anaheim, CA
Best answers
Just like to ask some input regarding coding all three codes together.
Setting: Home Health
Discipline: Physical Therapy (dressing change & gait training)

I used to code just V54.81 & V43.64 only in another home health agency. But my new home health agency wants me to include V57.1 too. Anybody knew any coding guidelines that cover this situation? My previous RN supervisor said V57.1 is optional.

I do also code V58.31 for the dressing.

I've always coded V54.81 & V43.64 together in the past. My new job says it could be coded separately, they placed V43.64 after the co-morbidity codes instead of right after V54.81...

Any advice or input is greatly appreciated...
Just like to ask some input regarding coding all three codes together.
Setting: Home Health
Discipline: Physical Therapy (dressing change & gait training)

I used to code just V54.81 & V43.64 only in another home health agency. But my new home health agency wants me to include V57.1 too. Anybody knew any coding guidelines that cover this situation? My previous RN supervisor said V57.1 is optional.

I do also code V58.31 for the dressing.

I've always coded V54.81 & V43.64 together in the past. My new job says it could be coded separately, they placed V43.64 after the co-morbidity codes instead of right after V54.81...

Any advice or input is greatly appreciated...
Read your coding guidelines. Under general guidelines number 15. Encounters for rehab. When the reason for the encounter is rehab you must use a V57 code first listed. In addition it is first listed only allowable and is not optional. You do not code pre procedural conditions for post procedural encounters. If the rehab is for late effects from an injury then also look at the 905-909 codes for late effect.