Wiki V5010 and 92590 and 92591 difference


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
Hello Fellow ENT coders:
V5010 and 92590 and 92591 difference.
So who can tell me what the difference is between these 2 codes regarding hearing aids?
thank you
The V code is for assessment
to me the 9 codes are for fitting and selecting the aids (hearing aid exam and selection) where as the V code would be just assessing or checking them
from coders desk reference:

The physician takes a history of hearing loss. The patient's ears are examined. Medical or surgical treatment is offered if possible. The appropriate type of hearing aid is selected to fit the patient's pattern of hearing loss. Report 92590 if one ear is fitted with a hearing aid and 92591 if both ears receive aids.

Please feel free to respond if this is incorrect:)