Wiki V Codes


The following are the situations which we cam ise V codes based on ICD - 9 - CM official coding guidelines...

1. A person who is not currently sick encounters the health
services for some specific reason, such as to act as an organ
donor, to receive prophylactic care, such as inoculations or
health screenings, or to receive counseling on health related

2. A person with a resolving disease or injury, or a chronic,
long-term condition requiring continuous care, encounters
the health care system for specific aftercare of that disease
or injury (e.g., dialysis for renal disease; chemotherapy for
malignancy; cast change). A diagnosis/symptom code should
be used whenever a current, acute, diagnosis is being treated
or a sign or symptom is being studied.

3. Circumstances or problems influence a person?s health status
but are not in themselves a current illness or injury.

4. Newborns, to indicate birth status

Hope it helps!

Thara L CPC H