Wiki V-codes with E/Ms


Indianapolis, IN
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What is the normal resolution for a V-code being attached to an office visit? Is it supposed to go in the 1st diagnosis slot or elsewhere?:confused:
....and sometimes it depends on carrier policy, too. I have one in particular that will deny if the V code is placed in first position, whereas others will pay with no problem.
Some V codes are first listed only allowed and therefore they can never be a secondary code. Check the coding guidelines for this information. Aslo it depends on the encounter if it is a follow up encounter then the only thing you have is a V code as you cannot use the pre surgical dx as the code for the follow up. If it is a rehab encounter then you must use the V57.x code first listed and they are first listed only allowed. So it truely depends on the scenario and the documentation. A payer policy cannot override coding guidelines.