Wiki V-codes, History, Follow up, or Both?

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I am coding a surveillance visit for endometrial cancer. The patient does not have active cancer. She finished chemo treatments 3 years ago. I coded V67.2, then V10.43 then some additional diagnoses the pt had.

The guidelines say follow-up codes may be used in conjunction with history codes to provide the full picture of the healed condition and its treatment. The follow-up code is sequenced first, followed by the history code.

My supervisor says that you do not have to code the follow up dx if it is history, you can just code the history has primary followed by any additional diagnoses.

Is she right?
We just use the history of Ca when the patient is in a surveillance period.

We limit the V67.2 for the period between chemotherapy cycles for follow up visits and any signs or symptoms they are treated at that visit.