Wiki V codes- after care and


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When using the after care and follow up codes does the V code always come first unless there is a problem?? Also do you put the fracture care code second with the V code if it is a aftercare visit? I would just like a little help with the follow up and aftercare codes Thanks to all grandma
Do not use an acute code if the acute condition no longer exisits. So if the fx has been treated then you will not use a fx code at all you will use only the V54.xx code for followup for healing fx. We must remember it is the patient's dx and code then only what is documented. A fx is acute only until treated. The same is true for surgeries, we do not code the reason for the surgery as the reason for the the follow up encounters. So for most patients when the visit is for follow up or aftercare we code only the V code(s).