Wiki V code questions


Hamilton, VA
Best answers
1. V67.6 Follwing combined treatment

[Can this V code be used for a patient returning for a follow-up visit to his treating physician, following treatment by physical therapist that was prescribed by his physician.

2. V65.5 Person with feared complaint, in whom no diagnosis was made.

[Can this code be used for patient having scoliosis screening, in which no scoliosis was found]

Hope someone can lead me in the right direction or section of the infamous ICD9 book, which we know is all going to change with ICD10 looming.

#1. This looks good for a follow up
#2. If this is the screening encounter use the V code for the screening regardless of the finding. If the patient did have symptoms but the test is normal then this is not screening so use either the symptom or a V71 first for suspected condition not found and the symptom secondary.
V codes

Thanks Debra. Appreciate your response. Thought I was okay with the first V Code issue, but unsure about the second V code. Now I know.
