I know, such a life threatening Postpartum emergency needing so much of maneure to do a reposition of an inverted uterus under GA; and if it fails manually, then will have to go for a surgery and if the placenta still does not get separated and not able to remove (as in adherent placenta accreta/ increta percreta then will have to go for Hysterectomy and then we have a code for hysterctomy!!.) Even the 3rd stage complications like manual removal of placenta under anesthesia and so ondo not have a procedural code.Well, we have no other choice but for 59899!
It is a life threatening immediate emergency procedure, if not taken care of in time, we may loose the mother. the physician under GA repositions the uterus through a dilated cervix (with removal of partially adherent or adherent placenta)-most often this condition has such an associated complication along with it; an adherent placenta and the procedure is quite a life saving challenge to the physician some times will have to compromise the uterus.
well, can we give a post-partum care code like 59430 as a separate procedure in such circumstances- with modifier -22 (along with other due codes for the delivery).
with Diagnostic code 665.24 appended to it. and a special report. I need your suggestion please !!! I feel sad there is no code for the procedure of reposition for Inversion Uterus!!
By the way, was it an Inversion Uterus following delivery (post partum) or a delayed ,chronic any time after puerperium?!-This one, always warrants definite surgical procedure with dilation and some times may need incision of the cervix or a major surgery on uterus.