Wiki Uterine bleeding


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i have a question on this an 83 year old patient and the dx is uterine bleeding.
which would code to 626.9 disorder of menstruation
but I don't think that would be appropriate
any suggestions please on how I would need to code this?
i was also thinking the 627.1 but do I need anything documentation wise or is it sufficient enough with the original dx?
Is there any place else post-menoupause documented?

Such as the history where patient is post-menopausal? That would not need to be documented in the diagnostic statement to be used as a diagnosis code. It would make the most sense to use 627.1, but as we all know, we can't assume this w/o the documentation.
no I only got the patient's age off the face sheet the dx was only written as uterine bleeding. So your saying I would have to query?
no I only got the patient's age off the face sheet the dx was only written as uterine bleeding. So your saying I would have to query?

Interested in other's opinion on this, but drawing on the conservative side of my brain, I would just to make sure. I know this seems obvious in an 83 y.o. patient, but I can just see an auditor asking where post-menopause is documented....