Wiki Using additional codes with obstetric accounts.


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Need some help regarding the obstetric guideline...

Patient is pregnant and is coming with uterine fibroid, if we take the code for uterine fibroid complicating pregnancy it will go to 654.1x uterine fibroid in pregnancy. Do we need to code 218.9 additionally with this category code...for some conditions we will get a use additional code note saying use additional code to specify the condition. for example, when we are coding obesity complicating pregnancy we will get a use additional code instruction

649.1 Obesity complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the
[0-4] puerperium

Use additional code to identify the obesity (278.00, 278.01)

But for tobacco use disorder, we will not get an instruction like that, only 649.0x

For the uterine fibroids also we will not get an instruction to use additional code, to add 218.x category codes.

Thanks for any help in advance!

Thara L CPC H