Wiki Using 11042 with modifier RT, LT


SeaTac, WA
Best answers
Hello, I'm on Practicode.
Any idea for this case?
Below is the answer for my case.
"For the ulcer debridement, look for debridement/skin/subcutaneous tissue and you are referred to 11042-11047 -> The given answer is 11042-RT.
While 11042 is not a bilateral procedure code, it appears that laterality modifiers do apply."
I already checked the indicator for 11042, is 0 so "this procedure is not commonly performed as bilateral. A procedure code should not be reported with a 50 or RT/LT modifier".
I thought it will be billed by sum the surface area of the wound (at the same depth).
You can check the indicator on the link:

Is the Practicode's answer incorrect? 11042 is not used with modifier RT, LT.
Anatomical modifiers are not appropriate with these codes. Code selection is based on anatomical site, level of tissue debrided, and measurement of wound with margins.

If Practicode is suggesting the modifier is appropriate, I disagree.

Ryan Stroup, CPC
Anatomical modifiers are not appropriate with these codes. Code selection is based on anatomical site, level of tissue debrided, and measurement of wound with margins.

If Practicode is suggesting the modifier is appropriate, I disagree.

Ryan Stroup, CPC
Thanks for your response.
I'm new to Medical coding.
I'm asking the coach if is there anything wrong with this answer.
Really worried about the correctness of Practicode's answers.
This is not the first time.