Wiki Use of the Q3014 code


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I bill the professional fees for multiple OP locations (all fall under a facility NPI) . At the OP location, the patient is present for an appointment, the provider is providing telehealth services from a different office within the same building. Can the Q3014 -telehealth originating site facility fee code be billed by the facility?
Under non-virus rules, no.

Under virus rules... it seems disingenuous at best. And I would expect it to be denied or later audited and recouped since it's not two different companies (unless there is a shell company).
I would agree with this. I haven't seen guidance to this specific situation, but my understanding of the interim rule is that the intent of the loosening of the rules on telehealth is to allow providers to see their patients in their homes via telehealth (thereby avoiding the risk of traveling to the office or facility) and to continue to receive the same reimbursement that would have otherwise received had the services been provided in their usual location.

In the case were the patient and provider are already in the same facility, and the facility is already billing a facility fee and being reimbursed for that portion, I don't see that it would be justified or medically necessary to bill an additional fee for the telehealth service above and beyond the usual facilities fees simply for the providers' convenience of not having to see the patient in the same room. That's just my interpretation though - you may wish to check with your local Medicare contractor for additional guidance.