Wiki Use Additional Code - for doctors office? Please help


Madison, IN
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Please help me with this question.
I need to know when in an out patient's (doctor office) situation and the patient is seen for "Acute" sinusitis (any of them in the J01 codes), there is the note that says "Use additional code (B95-B97) to identify infectious agent." Is this one that is that an absolute? The providers are saying that there is no way that they will know the infectious agent.:confused:
I had the same thing come up just this week. I work for home care so there is no one for me to query about this. I found that there is B97.89 which is other viral agents as the cause of disease classified elsewhere. This probably isn't the most optimal code to use, but it would be the only one there is to use.
I supposed I could see if they would be willing to give that one a shot, but they don't want to use any codes they feel would be untrue or any without proof, but that one might work. Thank you.