Urogynecology-Is a voiding trial included in post-op visits?

West Palm Beach, FL
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I have a scenario where a patient received surgery for their prolapse, as well as mid urethral sling for stress incontinence. They were discharged from the hospital with a foley catheter. The patient returned to the office for voiding trial- the catheter was removed, the patient failed the voiding trial, and a new catheter was inserted. The patient presented again the next day for a repeat trial and passed. Would both of these visits be billed as post-op visits? Is the actual voiding trial or new catheter insertion billed?

I appreciate any help. Thank you!
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I have a scenario where a patient received surgery for their prolapse, as well as mid urethral sling for stress incontinence. They were discharged from the hospital with a foley catheter. The patient returned to the office for voiding trial- the catheter was removed, the patient failed the voiding trial, and a new catheter was inserted. The patient presented again the next day for a repeat trial and passed. Would both of these visits be billed as post-op visits? Is the actual voiding trial or new catheter insertion billed?

I appreciate any help. Thank you!
If Medicare rules are followed, the answer is no. The removal of the the catheter and any postop visits that do not result in a return to the OR are included even if there is a complications. And per AUGS on a TURP case, the voiding trial, including having to reinsert a catheter if it failed, would be included in that urological procedure and by extension I think it is reasonable to assume that it would also be included as part of the sling recovery checks.