Wiki Urine Toxiciolgy Repeat Drug Screens


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I work for a clinical lab that does urine toxicology. We bill drug screens mainly with the G0431 code, which is a "per encounter" code.

Is it possible to bill for a "repeat look" at a specimen? Example: The agency ordered a 6 panel that came back negative for the drugs tested, however, the counselor is certain that the client was "on something". We still have the specimen and there is sufficient quantity to test.

Can we bill - and get paid - for another drug screen? I thought that modifier -91 was the answer - G0431 91 x1 - but the 2nd claims are getting denied as duplicate or included in services previously adjudicated.

Bottom line - Can you run two drug screens on the same sample and get paid?

(I should confess that prior to me coming here, they were using the process date as the date of service, rather than the collection date:eek: . I corrected that right away, but that put a huge damper on this whole "Second look" process and has resulted in a financial hit. My main concern, in addition to generating revenue is that we are compliant and audit proof.... )