Wiki Urine Specimen - collection *only*?

Hawthorne, CA
Best answers
I'm a medical bill reviewer. I have one bill I'm stuck on. It's a bill for urine specimen collection. There is no other service listed - no analysis, no testing, no e/m. It's like he went to the urgent care, peed in a cup, and left. Idk.
I need to find the right CPT code for this. There's no mention of a catheter so I don't think I can use 36415. The 81000 series is all for urinalysis right? Not just collection specifically.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what code might work here?
Hi Crystal :)
The provider should give a medical necessity reason to bill a lab but usually CPT 81003 is standard urine test. But I ve seen use urine labs for STD germs A64 or Z11.3 or use urine labs for UTI infections dx N39 or kidney problems such as dx N28.89 or N18.9.🚽
Well hope helped you !
Lady T:)