Wiki URI while pregnant - correct dx code


True Blue
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Can anyone tell me what the correct dx code would be for upper respiratory infection while pregnant?

Thanks for any help
What I have done for our OB office for sick visits is this. Use your URI code usually 465.9 and add V22.2 as a secondary code to show that the patient is pregnant.
Your provider must document the pregnancy is incidental to the encounter (visit for URI) in order to code V22.2. If s/he did not, code as a complication of pregnancy code, 648.93, and URI, 465.9.
What I have done for our OB office for sick visits is this. Use your URI code usually 465.9 and add V22.2 as a secondary code to show that the patient is pregnant.

Mojo is 100% correct. You need to read the guidelines before you just assume it is incidental. In order for you to use the incidental code, the physician has to STATE that it is incidental. That is NOT something that you determine on your own.