Wiki Urgent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help!!!!!!!!!!! MDM TABLE A


Aravenu, Tamil Nadu
Best answers
Hi guys,

I need an advice as soon as,
A patient came to Dr. A (MD) for Cold sore, and Prescribed with Rx , Later he came for Refill to the same practice and examined by PA for cold sore and make a refill. I just want to how we can count the point for MDM-TABLE A, whether it is New problem or established problem....

As per the CMS guidelines, this problem should be considered as an established to Dr . A, but this is a New problem for PA, since now only he met this Patient ....

How we can code this... I need a help on this....

Thanks in advance........
If it's a group practice, the patient was established by the first doctor to the group (which includes the PA). It's no longer a new patient or a new problem.

It doesn't matter that the PA hadn't seen the patient before.
As far as the new problem to provider goes; it's based on whether it's an established problem to the patient, not the provider any longer.
It used to be (on the MDM table) new problem to provider, OR established problem to provider.

I think as of this year it's new problem to patient and established problem to patient to choose from.

The 3 year rule applies to whether a patient is new or established.
As far as the new problem to provider goes; it's based on whether it's an established problem to the patient, not the provider any longer.
It used to be (on the MDM table) new problem to provider, OR established problem to provider.

I think as of this year it's new problem to patient and established problem to patient to choose from.

The 3 year rule applies to whether a patient is new or established.

Do you know where we can see this change?
E/M leveling tool

Go to National Govt. Services-you can sign in as a guest.
Where is the NGS E&M training tool/scoresheet located on the NGS website?

Answer: Evaluation & Management Documentation Training Tool is located under the Medical Policy & Review tab, then Policy Education Topics > Evaluation and Management > Evaluation & Management Documentation Training Tool.
Ah, that would explain it. NGS has done some weird stuff lately, that isn't consistent with national CMS or CPT policy. But thank you.
Nope. Policies can vary from MAC to MAC.

For example, some MACs don't recognize modifer 76 on surgical procedures. Others do.

NGS has come out with some unusual E/M policies lately, found nowhere else.
So I found the new training tool that has been updated as of March 2017. Has anyone found anything stating that this was updated? I'm just hoping to have an article or something to reference mentioning the update. Thanks!
leveling tool 2017

This was found on our regional MAC- but no "hey heads up, this is new for 2017" nothing like that.
Look through the thread about NGS though.
I'd reconsider counting it as a new problem because unless there's some underlying comorbidity that increases this patient's risk it really should fall into the self-limited minor problem category.