Wiki Urgent Care E/M Moderate Complexity Help


Colorado Springs, CO
Best answers
I am looking for a bit of information concerning E/M levels for an Urgent Care. Here is my visit:

The presenting problem itself would fall under the low risk category of presenting problems alone. Here is what I have in the documentation:

Comprehensive History and Exam

Complexity of MDM

New Problem to Examiner, no workup planned- 3 points
lab tests ordered and performed, radiology ordered & performed - 2 points
Rx medication dispensed- Moderate Level of Risk

My question is if it is appropriate to assign a 99204 for my new patient visit if prescription drug management is my only indicator of moderate risk management. I am unsure if this would fall into a 99203 or 99204. Any assistance appreciated.
When you say the lab and radiology tests were "ordered and performed", did that include any interpretation, producing the report, especially for the radiology? For example, if an x-ray was taken of the ankle, shows a fracture and the report stating such is signed by the physician, you could take another data point - which would bump them up to 3 for Moderate MDM.