Wiki update resume question

Cranford, NJ
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I recently had my apprenticeship removed and am now an official CPC but am very unsure how to add this into my resume. I know I am supposed to put CPC after my name but where do I put that I am a member of the AAPC and that I completed ICD-10 training? Please help me, thank you in advance, I really appreciate it. Haven't had to update a resume in quite a few years.
Put your full name, followed by CPC at the heading of your resume. Managers don't want to have to read your whole resume to find out if your certified, and if they can't find it at first glance, it will end up in the trash!

Then under your heading for Special Training, indicate ICD-10-CM Proficiency (date) through AAPC.

Under your heading for Certifications/Licensure, put CPC (Certified Professional Coder), AAPC (date).

Congratulations and good luck!