Wiki Update of 3 Chronics for ENT


Local Chapter Officer
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My provider is stating that when he sees a patient for history of cancer, current xerostomia and stable dysphagia, this is a moderate mdm due to 3 stable chronics. He does not give the duration for the xerostomia and dysphagia and states that we should know these are chronic diseases. It seems to me that dry mouth is a symptom that could be caused by anything so could be acute or chronic, especially since he doesn't state the cause. As to history of cancer (no longer under treatment), would that necessarily be considered 1 of 2 stable "chronic" illnesses?

Here's a list of what he's called 'chronic'. Would everyone consider these 'chronic illnesses' if no reference to duration was made?
-history of cancer
-Post nasal drip

Thanks for your opinions!