Wiki Unsure if a 2ndary dx is necessary


Covington, WA
Best answers
This is for Bilateral MRI of the breasts.

CLINICAL INDICATIONS: High-risk surveillance underway for a 43-year old woman with prior left breast carcinoma with breast reconstruction. There is a known lymph node lateral to the implant at approximately at the 2:30 position on the left. The patient indicates that there is some palpable fullness above the implant on the left.

Right Breast: No malignant-appearing findings or interval changes of concern. MR BI-RADS category 2, benign.

Left Reconstructed Breast: Stable findings, with an intact implant and a known benign lymph node at the 2:30 position. No malignant-appearing findings in the area of the patient's concern or elsewhere. MR BI-RADS category 2, benign.

I was planning on using V10.3 (Personal history of malignant neoplasm; Breast) as the primary dx. Would I use 229.0 (Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites; Lymph nodes) as a 2ndary dx or is a 2ndary dx even necessary?

Thanks in advance for any help :),