Wiki Unsure how to code a fight between two children


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Normally I would code the activity and place of occurrence for an injury sustained during play as 'horseplay' or will use the appropriate code for what type of play the children were participating in. However, in this situation, the children began to squabble and one child got mad and picked up a street sign and smacked the other across the face with it. Do you think this warrants using the code Y04.0? I mean, they are children so I just didn't know....
You need to go by what the documentation says. Id consider that an assault regardless of age. Assault has no age limit

Although id go with Y00.XXXA assault by blunt object. Bodily force means for instance a punch or kick. Although the sides are sharp so X99.8- Assault by other sharp object may be
I agree. I went with Y00.XXXA only because I thought the sign in question was more similar to a blunt object than to a sword, glass or other sharp object. Thanks for the advice!