Wiki Unsuccessful Attempts at Crossing Lesion


Saint Joseph, MI
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I have a procedure report I am trying to code and I am not sure of the guidelines when the provider has unsuccessful attempts at crossing the lesion. I would like to code for the work for attempting to cross the lesion, but am unsure if this is appropriate or not. Here is the documentation:

"Patient was given 5000 and then +1000 6000 total of IV heparin, with the sheath in the proximal superficial femoral artery on the left side and the pigtail catheter and the descending aorta I tried to pass the wire it looks like with adjacent shaft forming of the wire it was going somewhere into the iliac artery. It was exchanged with the woolly wire however it did not cross into the aorta somewhere it appears to be subintimal. Then I exchanged the pigtail catheter was 7 French 90 cm pedicle from the brachial artery to the descending aorta and tried to pass antegrade and it is again not crossing into the channel. After trying for almost an hour and half I decided to stop it. Noted this time compared to the initial picture and there is some filling of the external iliac artery was noted there was now dye extravasation was seen. I decided to stop the procedure and plan to bring him back to reevaluate him in 2 weeks weeks"