Wiki Unspecified vs Specified ICD9 Codes

I disagree that claims are paid on procedure only. (sorry) It's important to use the correct Dx for the procedure done- check medicare and private ins LCD's for approved codes.

Using NOS or NEC codes are fine and will not affect reimbursment as long as they are relevant to the procedure performed.

You are telling the "story" of the procedure, so be as specific as possible. :)
I agree that payment is not only based on procedure. Very simple procedure may be denied just because it was not billed with correct Dx. CPT is used to explain what the Dr. did and the Dx- to establish a medical necessity for the procedure performed. If we follow the logic of HELEN BULLOCK, CPC then we can bill for an amputation of foot or hand based on dx 784.0 (Headache). I personally dont think it is possible. As far as using NOS or NEC dx, I also believe that it should not affect the payment.