Wiki unrelated E/M and Same Day Procedure in Global period


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Let's say a patient comes to their physician for a problem unrelated to the surgery they had 4 weeks ago. They have an office visit and are sent to have a CT the same day. How does one code for that?

Our issue is when reporting on the 1500, we've been told modifer 25 is not recognized, which is what we would have appended to the E/M service because they are also having a CT the same day. If there was no CT, it simply would have been mod 24 on the E/M service. Finally, the CT should have a mod 79, correct?
Is the same dr the one that performed the surgery? You would append 24 to the e/m code. No modifier on the ct i don't believe.
The E/M would get a 24 and the CT no modifier. CT does not require modifer because it is an Xray not a procedure.