Wiki Unnaboot & strapping applications provided by staff employed by Hospital


Perryville, MO
Best answers
Here's my situation:

Our hospital has a wound clinic, they have a designated office area in the hospital which these visits are performed, therefore, they bill with POS 11. The physician does not provide his own staff, the hospital staffs the office. Our doctor has began to treat patients there and there is argument over whom should be billing the dressing/strapping application CPT. The hospital billing department has always billed for the application CPT such as 29580, the provider is ordering this service, but their staff is actually applying. This makes sense to me, as the staff is owned by them, paid by them and providing the service. My provider states that he can bill the 29580 also-that he is ordering it and should receive credit for doing the professional component of this service. Essentially-credit for ordering it even though he the staff is not his own. I have ongoing issues with this particular provider wanting to bill for everything regardless of what documentation I provide to him, so I need some backup and assistance unless I'm totally wrong here.

Would appreciate some feedback, as I'm totally exhausted and exasperated!
No you cannot bill for a service when it is only ordered. The code is for the performance of the service which in your case is the facility. Your office note will not contain a procedure note performed by your physician. Therefore you will be billing for a service that is not documented.
Thank you, thank you. I find I second guess myself and my knowledge when it comes to this physician. Now, I'm at ease and will hold my ground.