Wiki Unna Wrap for Keratosis Pilaris


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Has anyone every heard of an Unna Wrap? How do you code this? They coded unna boot with a 50 modifier with two units and was denied. Unna boot is not for the arms. My advise is one procedure code with a 50 modifier, but what cpt code do I use?

This is the note:
Ulcer: many linear excoriations with hemorrhagic crusting and superficial ulcers
and scars on arms, chest, back distributed on the right upper arm and left upper arms.

Counseled at length re no picking or rubbing. Educated about Unna Wrap.
Plan: Unna Wrap Applied to both upper arms.
Indication: numerous neurotic excoriations/superficial ulcers; Location: both upper arms. The following medications were applied underneath the unna wrap: none