Wiki universal code for vaccines


Winslow, Arizona
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we just starting using an EHR and our providers are not to thrilled with having to pick and link dx codes to vaccines, they would like to use V20.0 for all vaccines, which to me is incorrect coding, does anyone who is using an EHR system have these types of issues? or has anyone ever just billed v20.2 for all vaccines?
V20.2 and Immunizations

We code V20.2 and link all the immunizations to that diagnosis. In ICD9CM2009 V20.2 it states Routine infant or child health check and under that it states "Immunizations appropriate for age". If you do not link the immunizations to V20.2 and several immunizations are given you will not have a diagnosis to link your administration and vaccine codes to. Hope this helps.
One of my providers uses Praxis emr. He sets up the codes one time then they just pop up for him to chose when the associated cpt is chosen. The rest of my providers are still on paper.

V20.2 would be incorrect coding. While we have never done it on purpose a few times they have missed the correct code and immunizations have gone with this before. They all rejected. If some did get paid I'm sure it was a fluke.

Laura, CPC, CEMC