Wiki Unified Parkinson Scale


Wausau, WI
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I have a physician (neurologist) that states the completion of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) qualifies as a complex exam. Can anyone provided verification of this? How does your office code the exam when this is the only exam component?
I have a physician (neurologist) that states the completion of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) qualifies as a complex exam. Can anyone provided verification of this? How does your office code the exam when this is the only exam component?

I've never seen this used with our PD patients, but my opinion, after reading through the UPDRS, is that this info fits better in the history than in the exam. Yes, there are elements regarding other organ systems (GI, GU, etc), but from what I'm understanding about it, the patient is answering questions (which is consistent with gathering a HPI or ROS), as opposed to the provider actually examing the patient. I don't feel that this would qualify as a physical exam for an E/M service...just my 0.02 :) It is pretty extensive; but it wouldn't even qualify for billing based on time, since all the time would be Q&A instead of counseling/coordinating. Is it something that a nurse could possibly do, to save the doctor time?

Hope this helps!
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