Wiki understanding post menopausal codes


Bessemer, Alabama
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If a patient is postmenopausal, but is still symptomatic what code would be used? Also, does the code 627.4 (artificial menopause) refer to menopause after any hysterectomy or only total where ovaries were removed?
There are several menopausal and post-menopausal disorders and conditions that can be coded. These will differentiate from other general conditions as long as the documentation links them specifically to menopause.

The codes in the 627.0-627.9 range deal specifically with menopausal and post-menopausal disorders and symptoms such as menorrhagia or vaginitis. Symptomatic surgical menopause is coded as 627.4.

Premature menopause is an endocrine disorder and is coded as 256.31. Premature menopause is a naturally-occuring condition in women over the age of 40. Along the same lines, non-symptomatic post-surgical menopause is coded as 256.2.

Menopausal arthritis is coded from the Musculoskeletal section in the 716.3x range. Menopausal arthritis is caused by a lack of estrogen and progesterone no longer secreted from the ovaries.

One exception to this rule is Menopausal depression. For this diagnosis, you would code the depression codes (296.2 or 296.3).

If a patient is in menopause, that state of menopause is relevant to the patient's care, and there are no menopausal symptoms, code V49.81. This is coded incidentally to identify possible risks or implications of care.

Finally, if a patient is on postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy, code V07.4.