Wiki Uncertain vs. Unspecified Neoplasm


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I have to code a polyp that was removed and I don't have the path report yet. Should I use a code from the "uncertain behavior" category or "unspecified" category? I know that waiting for the path report is best in order to code to the highest specificity but my doc wants to get the claim out.
you cannot use 238.x codes for uncertain behavior without a path report. The use of the 239.x codes for unspecified is for when a preliminary diagnostic study documents this is a tumor, or growth, 239.x codes are to be used when there is further work up to be done to determine the specific pathology. You can code as a polyp or wait for path.
Polyp without Path

As one who codes the path reports, you should use 239.0 (unspecified gastrointestinal tract) and/or code the presenting symptoms (rectal bleed 569.3, diarrhea 787.91, personal history of polyps V12.72) or whatever your patient's presenting symptoms warranting the polypectomy are. At least that's what I do.
"uncertain behavior" is to be used when the PATHOLOGY REPORT states there is precancerous cells. A code from "unspecified" is appropriate when there is no pathology report. You didn't state where the polyp is, so I couldn't suggest a code, but I am sure of the ucertain vs unspec.
I recently finished the AAPC prep course for the CPC and that was one of the things I wanted to be very sure of so I noted it in my code book :p
Coding clinics and the CDC state that unspecified (239.x or D49.x) Is to be used after a preliminary diagnostic workup specifies the diagnosis as a "tumor" or a "growth" If you have a dx of a polyp then that is what you should code, look up the term polyp and then location. if it is a rectal polyp then code for that if it is an intestinal polyp then code that, you do not have the documentation for an unspecified neoplasm and you do not have a path report for uncertain behavior