Wiki Unbundling colporrhaphies


Hermiston, OR
Best answers
Recently two of our docs performed surgery on the same patient during the same session. One did the Anterior Colporrhaphy (57240) and the other assisted, then the doc that assisted on the Anterior performed the Posterior Colporrhaphy (57250) and a Colpopexy (57282) while the first doc assisted. I see that the Anterior & Posterior should be bundled into 57260, but I would like to ensure that my doctors get the proper credit for their work. Would it be appropriate to bill the 57240 under one doctor and the 57250 & 57282 under the doc with each other assisting? The former coder (who was certified) ONLY billed for the Anterior Colpo ... I'm not certified and am having to clear up this mess ... And yes, my testing for the certification is coming up in two months! Looking forward to it. Any help anyone can provide would be very appreciated.
Even though the procedures bundle I would bill for what each doctor performed in the surgery. With modifier 80 on assist charges, insurance shouldn't bundle but you can always appeal any denied charges with op note.
you can't bill 57260 under one doctor because one doctor didnt do 57260