Wiki UHC denials M50 - Independent Lab


Monroeville, NJ
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I work for an indepentdent lab that is out of network with UHC. They kicked us out of network a few years ago when the decided to consoldiate the lab network. In November, we have began seeing denials for M50 missing, incomplete, or invalid revenue code (s) associated with a claim. Is there anyone else who is experiencing these types of denials with UHC and have any suggestions? We have sent medical records, reconsiderations, and a claim projects.
I work for an indepentdent lab that is out of network with UHC. They kicked us out of network a few years ago when the decided to consoldiate the lab network. In November, we have began seeing denials for M50 missing, incomplete, or invalid revenue code (s) associated with a claim. Is there anyone else who is experiencing these types of denials with UHC and have any suggestions? We have sent medical records, reconsiderations, and a claim projects.
I also work for an independent laboratory that deals with UHC being ridiculous all the time. Let me check with the UHC specialist in my office and find out what I can. I'll get back to you soon.