Wiki UB04 Claims


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I have downloaded several, helpful websites about UB04 claims. I am having a problem figuring out the type of bill to use. We are a substance abuse treatment facility and provide intensive outpatient services. We are thinking either 0861 or 0661. One of the directors thinks 0662. Can someone please help? I have not done UB04 billing in about 10 years. Thank you.

Does anyone know if the UB04 has changed with the implementation of ICD-10 in October, or is the form the same.
0861 No, this is an invalid combination of numbers. IF 8 is the correct 2nd digit, then 6 is not an option for the 3rd digit. Must choose from 1 = Hospice (Non-Hospital Based)
2 = Hospice (Hospital Based)
3 = Ambulatory Surgery Center
4 = Free Standing Birthing Center
9 = Other
0661 This provides a valid combination, but I don't if your service is classified as intermediate care.
0662 No, this is not an interim bill.