Wiki UB-04 to patient

Pearland, TX
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We are getting several requests on patient asking for UB-04 when they might of been a cash patient or for their aflac insurance. Are any other providers releasing the claim form straight to the patient. My understanding has always been these can not be sent to a patient. Trying to find the official guidelines, any help is appreciated.

Thank you,
Veronique Nelson
I don't know of any official guidelines that prohibit this, but this is something that should be governed by your facility's policy on release of information. I have on occasion requested to see claim forms for services I have received to confirm that the coding was appropriate and have never been turned down for this. All of the information on the claim form that is protected under HIPAA regulations belongs to the patient, and being part of their record I would expect the law would support that the patient has a right to see it if they request it and go through the proper channels to obtain access.