Wiki Type of service 40


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Good morning, I work for a DCE company. I am trying to read a report where claims are connected with a modifier "40" as type of service. Modifier 40 as TOS. I am googling, checking the CPT book and HCPCPS book, I am not finding this TOS, of course we know about the unassigned modifier POS 40. Does anyone ever heard about it? Please help.
I don't follow what you are saying here - Modifiers, Type of Service codes and Place of Service codes are three different things. I don't understand what you mean by 'claims are connected with a modifier'. Can you clarify this or provide an example or some context to your question?
I don't follow what you are saying here - Modifiers, Type of Service codes and Place of Service codes are three different things. I don't understand what you mean by 'claims are connected with a modifier'. Can you clarify this or provide an example or some context to your question?
It is a financial report, Medicare uses "numbers" to describe the services, but "I think" I found the information needed. I think it refers to the combination of physical, speech and occupational therapies done as outpatient services. Thank you!

I still have to research more to make sure. If you familiar with Medicare Financial reports and know for sure what "type of service is 40", please let me know.
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